Conan O'Brien is growing on me. And I think he's definitely going to end up apologizing to former Pres Clinton for his comments about how in the year 3000 he will go to a N.Korean massage parlor to discuss
his release after negotiating the release of two female journalists :P And I also think his take on the Clunkers for Cash program is hilarious. Even better is HIS version of the program! The guy wants to find the worst car in America and give the owner a Lexus hybrid! He may not be a genius, but he tries, and in my books, that's good enough. Plus, genius is overrated. And in our country, it's over-overrated. Seriously, how many times did you hear that the 'first boy/girl' in your class was a genius? Probably all through your school life. But is s/he REALLY a genius? Afraid not. They turned out to be just like everyone else, methinks (if not worse). Not their fault. Bangladeshi school systems are proponents of 'mukhosto biddai shokol bidda', and anyone who manages to memorize pages and pages of textbook print end up being 'brilliant students'. Someone pointed out to me how this promotes plagiarism and wards off original thought and creativity. All I can say is, I completely agree.
I also wonder why are the Jonas Brothers so popular. Is it because people generally like to have idols to look up to? Or are they genuinely good musicians? They're on Conan and they seem like nice kids, but given how much clout they have, I wonder if they realize how they can shape the mindset of the young ones that idolize them. But then, they're probably too young to take responsibily for anything. Or too dumb.
Good day for Hispanics, today. I'm indifferent, but I see that many people are elated. Interesting is how both Obama and Sonia (yes, I'm on first name basis with them) have similar backgrounds, and how they worked hard to get on top. Hard work really pays off, appears to be the message that they're sending out (whoever they are). But I think people also need luck. Hard work and a little bit of luck = the magic formula for success. So, good luck to everyone who's reading this, and myself :)
Till later, be good.