Friday, March 20, 2009

Warning: Sappy Post

What's the difference between being content and being happy?

Can someone be happy without being in a relationship (the intimate kind)?

People-dependent happiness is risky, so for those of you (or us) who like to be risk averse, is it best to not rely on people at all?

Would that mean that I don't care?

Should we move on with life when life gets better, and wait out the bad times? Or do we do what we need to do, or what we think we need to do while we're waiting?

A friend said to me y'day: Life is a bitch. And then it's over. To me, that sounds a bit too negative. I am still hoping that my life would be perfect one day. I'm not sitting around waiting for it, and my life isn't completely in the gutter. Actually, there are some good things going on. So the question is, should I just settle and be happy with this? Provided that I -am- happy with this, does this mean I will not reach higher levels of happiness? What is happiness, anyway?

Okay I told you this would be sappy, or what I consider sappy. And they're mostly rhetorical questions to which I already know the answers (other than the q about happiness, anyone who knows what happiness is, let me know). Which reminds me, I read a definition of rhetorics the other day which is different from what we know to be rhetorical, and with that I shall end this post: persuasive discourse within and between interpretive communities.

Haha, I know, and I'm sorry.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

'I read a definition of rhetorics the other day which is different from what we know to be rhetorical, and with that I shall end this post: persuasive discourse within and between interpretive communities.'
-is this the reason why nobody's yet commented on any of your posts?
jwole poka ;-p